The University of Wollongong is renowned for its fantastic student life program, a big part of which is its Clubs, Societies, and Volunteers program. The managing body at UOW responsible for everything student life-related, UOW Pulse, was finally able to recognise the hard work in 2021 of their amazing clubs and societies and volunteers for at the 2021 Pulse Awards Night held the state-of-the-art UOW Innovation Campus.
As an alumnus myself of UOW (Bachelor of Comm. & Media Studies/Bachelor of Arts 2014) and a founding member of the UOW Debating Society, it was truly humbling to have been asked to host such a great event and touch base with the next generation of students at my much-beloved university. It was a night full of fun, laughter, and good times, made even better with a photo booth and the fantastic music of Red Light Ruby, making for great entertainment and a well-deserved reward for what was a challenging 2021 for all university students in Australia (and the world over).
The incredible dedication and achievements of all who were present on the evening and in the running for the awards were outstanding. I would like to personally congratulate all the nominees, highly commended recipients, and winners on your effort, achievements and commitment to your clubs and the students of UOW.
- Client: UOW Pulse
- Venue: UOW Innovation Campus
- MC: Nathan Cassar, Master of Ceremonies
- Photographer: Mark Newsham Photography
- Music: Red Light Ruby
- Photobooth: PhotoboothME